Testimonials from users within academia
Below are testimonials from Diversity Icebreaker users within the academic sector - facilitators and educators responsible for student-development programs.

When we decided to develop the learning environment at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences at the University of Oslo, we had an exciting challenge before us – how to get the students and faculty to get to know each other and themselves better.
Our goal was to create a culture of sharing, where openness, dialog and understanding between all parties involved would stand high. It was important for us to find a tool that would work across different interest groups, ethnicities, cultural backgrounds, genders and ages. It was also important that the tool was easy to administer and – not withstanding – fun to use for facilitators. After probing the market and testing various tools, we arrived at a conclusion that the Diversity Icebreaker is the most optimal tool for our work.
We have so far used DI for over 7000 students/faculty members and have observed its immediately positive and crucial effect – both short and long-term. Participants of our workshops experience an instant benefit and joy. From creating an educational environment point of view, we also see that the tool has contributed positively to awareness around personality, belonging, learning styles, collaboration and communication. In a way, DI has become a leitmotif connecting learning and developmental activities throughout our two-days long workshops we conduct for all our new students.
Ilan Dehli Villanger and Linda Therese Sørensen Westgaard
The ForVei project at the MatNat Faculty, University of Oslo, Norway. https://www.mn.uio.no/english/
For the last four years, IESEG School of Management has been using the Diversity Icebreaker as one of the pillars in its different intercultural programs for students and staff. The common, co-designed framework and language it provides is important in fostering the Cultural Intelligence the school hopes will allow it to move from being simply international to being truly intercultural. Diversity Icebreaker surely played a part in allowing IESEG’s Cultural Diversity Passport to be named one of AACSB’s 2018 Innovations That Inspire in the category “Enhancing Approaches to Leadership Education Development”.
Grant Douglas
Intercultural Communication at IESEG School of Management https://www.ieseg.fr/en/
CASE from 2020
Read this LinkedIn post on how IESEG School of Management used the online version with 2000 students during Covid-19 restrictions during fall 2020. Read more..