

Learn how to facilitate a DI workshop virtually and/or F2F during this free practical train-the-trainer webinar



This webinar is for facilitators, consultants, trainers, managers, and HR professionals. It is suitable for both those entirely new to the tool and more experienced users who e.g. who wish to learn how to use the tool virtually or need to refresh their knowledge.



Webinar facilitator



Piotr Pluta holds an MSc in Psychology and has been developing and researching this tool for over 10 years. He conducts numerous virtual and face-to-face Diversity Icebreaker workshops for many of Norway's largest organizations, consistently receiving top ratings and positive feedback. Piotr is responsible for our train-the-trainer programs and supports our clients both before and during the application of DI. He also provides consultancy in communication, trust-building, cross-cultural work, and diversity management.






Basic information about DI

  • background (history, research, theory)
  • the standard workshop flow (4 stages)
  • application areas
  • desired outcomes and goals when using DI


Workshop facilitation – F2F

  • DI-workshop explained: challenges, alternatives, common threads
  • Practical tips for successful facilitation
  • Small and large groups
  • Solving challenges
  • Alternative tasks, methods, etc.

Virtual workshop 

  • Preparing and facilitating a DI workshop in MS Teams and Zoom
  • Working with break-out rooms
  • Tips for different scenarios 




SEPTEMBER 19TH 2024 at 3 PM CET (90 minutes)

NB: We also have an Norwegian-language version of this seminar. See overview of date / time here.







Send an email to: and let us know which date you want to sign up for.

Registration deadline: 24 hours before start of the webinar.

It is free to participate.





Previous webinars with Piotr Pluta have received top scores and here are some comments from the participants:


"Skilled facilitator. Clear and good explanation.”


"Very to the point and useful information from one who obviously knows a lot about the tool. Very good!"

