From uncertainty to confidence and opportunity
Many consultants and facilitators experienced a steep learning curve these past months, when their expertise and knowledge had to be quickly transferred from the context of workshops and lectures over to Zoom, Teams, etc. Understandably, it brought about a good deal of uncertainty: about the technology, virtual facilitation, and whether the group dynamics and the process could be recreated without having participants together in one room.
Our own consultant, Piotr Pluta, has many years of experience in facilitating virtual workshops and has assisted dozens of clients in the recent months with both the preparation and implementation of successful virtual DI sessions.
About Piotr
Piotr Pluta, MSc in Psychology, is the Managing Director responsible for consultancy in Human Factors. Piotr has facilitated a number of virtual and F2F Diversity Icebreaker workshops and was involved in development of a dedicated DI-module for a 3D collaboration platform. Piotr has also supported our clients with tips and help both prior and during application of DI. Piotr is also involved in many of our R&D projects and delivers consultancy in the areas of communication, trust building, cross-cultural work and diversity management.
Piotr can help you with:
- Set up your Zoom or MS Teams to enable you to facilitate the session using virtual breakout groups
- Logistics during the virtual workshops (e.g. dividing the participants into Red, Blue, and Green breakout groups)
- Facilitation of group work with multiple groups in parallel and moderation of the discussion
- Problem solving along the way*
- Tips and ideas for content, group assignments, methodology and application of virtual tools
*NOTE: Sitting in co-facilitators chair, Piotr’s role is not of an IT expert – he may not be able to solve all your connection or audio-routing issues. You should also have a sufficient level of competence in using your videoconferencing software in facilitator/host’s role (e.g. sharing screen, muting yourself and others, using multiple screens, etc.).
Preparatory conversation
- Up to 15 minutes: Free of charge (you will get answers to specific questions related to the online version of the DI questionnaire, and facilitating DI on Teams or Zoom)
- Beyond 15 minutes: NOK 500 + VAT per half hour (you can get help with design of your workshop flow, detailed walkthrough of virtual DI facilitation, solutions to anticipated logistical challenges, guidance in the use of Teams or Zoom via screen sharing, suggestions for relevant research, theoretical content, and case studies)
Although virtual DI workshops can be conducted with one facilitator, having a co-pilot is undoubtedly an advantage. As your "co-pilot", Piotr will be able to assist you in logistics, facilitation of group work, problem solving, etc., whole you can concentrate on the participants and workshop’s content.
Please contact us if you would like to receive a quote for such service.
You can send an email to Piotr Pluta at piotr@human-factors.no or contact our office at office@human-factors.no